Friday, July 30, 2010

30/365 - Timid

Hi Everyone! So today was a really good day for me. =) I got to go wedding dress shopping with my mom and sisters! Very exciting. =) Anyway, after we got home I was taking photos for my photo of the day in my yard, and I decided that I wanted to take some artistic pictures of the trees in my yard, because they have these really big, kind of cool looking knots in them. =) Once I had finished taking quite a few pictures I started cleaning up and went to go inside to see my new photos, and there was this bunny, just sitting there one yard over! It was pretty exciting, because they usually run away when you get anywhere near them. =P But this one let me get right up to the fence so I could get a good picture. =D You could tell he was a little nervous, but didn't seem to have a real problem with me being there, which I thought was pretty cool. =)


Darlene Wilson said...

Beautiful! It's so hard to get close to rabbits because they scare so easily. This pictures amazing.

DianaAnnPhoto said...

Thanks! I was so excited that it didn't run away. >< It probably didn't cause it was in the next yard over. =P

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