About Me

Hi Everyone!

I’m a University Student who is about half way to my education degree and a self taught fine art photographer with a true passion for photography. While I’ve pretty much loved photography my whole life (I was sure I’d work for National Geographic when I was little. =P), this past year I’ve just made it so much more of a priority. My main camera is the my Canon Rebel Xsi, and I just love it. =) Nothing sounds better to me than getting to take pictures every day. =P

When I’m not taking or editing pictures, I’m probably feeding my youtube addiction. (What did we do without it?! I now have a hard time sitting through a whole movie. =P I so prefer the 10 minute kind) Other than that, I am constantly planning my wedding and making sure that everything is on track with that, as well as attempting (with little luck) to stay on top of my courses with school. (Essays just don’t always seem like a priority…)

So that’s me. =) Anyways, I hope you find this blog interesting, and I hope you enjoy my photographs. =)

